Family Reclamation Project
Our vision is to help reclaim the barren wasteland of current family dynamics and restore its God-ordained fruitfulness and productivity. We desire to see families develop distinctly Christian home environments that reflect the character of God, evidenced by His peace and joy and blessing.
Our mission is to develop and distribute resources targeting family discipleship, godly values, a biblical worldview, and education that flows out of the wisdom and knowledge of God. FRP exists to train families and individuals in godly living and in the daily disciplines that promote godly living.
Our foundation is the Word of God

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The Fear of the Lord out of which flow knowledge and wisdom
An increasing hunger for God's Word and His righteousness
Daily spiritual disciplines that lead to a growing knowledge of God and His transforming power
A love of learning, seeing every area of study as an opportunity to understand and worship our magnificent Creator
Obedience to God and His Word, following the call of Christ to follow Him
Integrity, such that every area of our lives lines up with the truth of God's Word
Honesty about ourselves and with others, living above reproach and walking in the light with nothing to hide
Humility: appreciating correction and instruction in order to grow in wisdom and knowledge
Growing in grace by showing kindness and mercy to others, speaking with gracious tone and words that are wholesome and edifying